Category Archives: Web development

Pass data from ASP.NET MVC view to controller with Ajax and JSON

This is an example of passing data consisting of multiple arguments from your webpage (i.e. a MVC view) to the server (i.e. a MVC Controller).
We will post the data from JavaScript with Ajax, so it means we will not request a new page from the server, just passing data to the controller. We will send the data in JSON format so it can be parsed (easy and strongly typed) in the controller.

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Handling a ASP.NET MVC ActionLink click within a DNN Module

The problem: DNN is taking care of routing,  that means it is not possible to use System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper to create the right URL that you want. DNN will not understand the URL’s created by the standard Microsoft Html or Url helper. The DNN module is embedded in a DNN page and the we need some additional information to access the controller that it part of the module in the page. A page can also include multiple modules. We need to retrieve that information from DNN and DNN includes its own versions of the Html and Url helpers provide that information. This example shows how you can use it,

How to use DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Helpers.HTMLhelper and DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Helpers.DnnUrlHelper to call the Action functions in your MVC controller
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Module development with DNN 9 and Visual Studio Community 2017

How to create a module for DNN 9 (DotNetNuke) based on your own C# ASP.NET Web page

I explain to how setup and development environment using Visual Studio Community 2017. The modules will be creating with help of the DNN9 templates. The setup is prepared for development with ASP.NET Core and Razor.

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Creating a DotNetNuke (DNN 6) module with an .ascx control

How to create a module for DotNetNuke 6, based on your own C# Web User Control (.ascx file)

Without the use of the visual studio templated of the DotNetNuke starterkit.

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